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TAMA Starphonic Walnut Bravura 14"x14" Field Drum w/Multi Snare Frame GLOSS BLACK WALNUT


TAMA Bravura Field Drum represents the perfect union of traditional tone and the latest innovations in drum design. The all-walnut, 6mm 6-ply 14”x14” shell, chosen for its warmer, darker and more powerful tone and provides that rich, full-bodied field drum sound every percussionist covets. The use of TAMA’s unique Multi Snare Frame, Grooved Straight Hoops and Freedom Lugs expands the drum’s sonic range and adjustability well beyond that of any other drum on the market today. It provides unparalleled control, response and sensitivity for

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- 6mm, 6ply All Walnut Shell - Grooved Straight Hoop - Freedom Lug - MLS50AC Strainer & MLS50BC Butt w/Multi Snare Frame - Nickel Wound Round Guitar String (6 strands), Black Nylon Coated Stainless Steel Wire (6 strands) & Hi-Carbon Coil Snare Wire (6 strands)